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96 Talking Pics

Use a FREE app like Chatterpix or Blabberize to add sound and make a picture talk.  You could have your students do this to show understanding or you could use it to teach a concept. 

206 Talking Points

Talking points is a parent communication tool that translates communications in to multiple languages.
Mrs. Beaty at Lacy says, “Allows me to communicate with parents in English or Spanish easily and quickly.”

327 Teach Your Monster

Teach your monster to read is a fun app that has students practice reading, letters, letter sounds, phonics, numeracy skills and more. Thanks to Mrs. Arnold at Mayfield for this super fun looking idea.

302 TexQuest

Direct your students to dive into the TexQuest data base to find research for an assignment. thanks to Mrs. Hersch at Clark for this cool library related challenge.

187 TPT Seller

Share your materials with other teachers on the TPT website.

42 Thinglink

Create an interactive image with Thinglink to explain an item or concept to your students.  (Free and paid options) 

112 Trello

Have students organize ideas and collaborate together with Trello

111 Trail Blazer

Help Mr. Brown test out a new idea in your class.

63 Toontastic

Have your students create an animation using Toontastic to show their comprehension of a concept.  (FREE) 

4 Twitter

Create a Twitter account for your class and tweet out something positive that is happening with your students.   (FREE) I noticed this is blocked at school now but Maybe you can still pull it off.
“I love using twitter to network with other debate programs.” Heather Stringer at Princeton HS