Live Polls Maker
Thanks to Mr. Townsend’s research we are exploring a new tool for gathering quick feedback from your students to check for understanding. This would be a great end of lesson wrap up activity / exit ticket.

You can download the extension from the link above. This is a Google Slides extension so that is where you will find and operate it, not from the extensions puzzle piece up on your Omni Box.

I am immediately noticing that we have only the multiple choice option for free.
It does say that there is no limit to the number of participants in the poll.
I also discovered that you may only include one of those multiple choice questions per slide show.
Adding images as answer choices is a paid premium feature but text answer choices are free.
I was able to add several answer choices no problem without hitting a pay wall.
We have options to hold results until we click to release them if you are concerned that students choice might be influenced by their peers.
The option to allow more than one answer is available but requiring student names is a premium feature.

Below is what it added to my blank slide, so do plan on using a blank slide for this

When I clicked the question in Google Slides Presentation mode it popped us over to a new tab with the Live Poll interface. There is a QR code but we don’t want students on their phones. But there is a link which students could type or you could post ahead of time in a quick to reach place like ClassLink or Google Classroom.

Inconclusion for multiple choice answers, from a whole group question without individual results, and only using it one time per presentation, this would be a good tool to quickly gauge whether the majority of your class did or did not grasp a concept taught that day. If you need more than that, another tool like Nearpod, or Peardeck might be a better option.