Badge M

23 Maker Space

Build a Maker Space in your classroom that will support STEAM activities. 

175 MakeyMakey

Have your students explore and learn about electric circuits, conductivity, and electric flow.  This engaging learning toy is great for science class, maker spaces, and more.  Students can make music or play games with everyday objects.

197 Math Antics

Engage your students with Math Antics instruction videos. Kick it up a notch and make the math Antics video into an EdPuzzle.

80 Matholia

Have students fine tune their math skills with Matholia’s practice modules and learning games.  (There is a U.S. Setting from the drop down menu at the top. Has a free trial) 

86 Mathplayground

Engage students practing their math skills with the FREE games at

79 Merge Cube

Give students a 3D augmented reality experience exploring topics.  The Merge Cube can be turned into many different objects that are applicable to what you are teaching. (There are many free and paid apps that work with Merge Cube.)   


Help keep the hallways clear, safe, and under control by approving students leaving your room with Minga. Thanks to Mrs. Patterson at Southard for this new badge idea.

288 MusicPlayOnline

Engage your students in with premade lessons or create your own lesson with the platform. Mrs. Dittman at Lacy had this to say about it, “Provides ways for them to experience music in all kinds of ways, especially review games for EOY test.”

142 MysteryScience

Use TEKS aligned Mystery Science lessons and videos in class to explore science concepts in greater depth.

204 MyWordle

Jump on the wordle craze by custom creating your won wordle puzzles for your students. You aren’t limited to 5 letter words. How about foreign language vocabulary words? this would be an awesome way to study those. Or spelling words!!! Thanks to Mrs. Petrovic for this wonderful tip.