Virtual Teacher
Google Shared Drive and Classroom Survival Guide
We are going to blast through several topics in this video including: How to navigate the Google Shared Drive, How to Star items from the Shared Drive, How to post items from the Shared Drive, and the correct way to ReUse a post with a Google Form from a Master Google Classroom.
How to Record and Upload Direct Instruction video to Google Classroom through Google Shared Drive
What is Doceri? “Doceri is the professional iPad interactive whiteboard and screencast recorder with sophisticated tools for hand-drawn graphics and built-in remote desktop control.”
You can use Doceri to create lessons live or recorded. You can hand draw lessons, insert graphics, audio, video, or .pdf files.
You can also use Doceri to remote access, annotate, and present files from your desktop on the shared iPad screen.
I noticed that Doceri is a free ipad app and you can record videos on the ipad for free however to connect remotely to the desktop PC is part of the paid desktop software version. The Ipad app is in the FileWave ipad app store.
Document Camera and Web Camera

We have several types of document cameras around depending on which campus you are at. You can ensure that you have the correct drivers and software to operate your document camera through the FileWave app store. Look on your camera to identify which brand you have. The FileWave app store is located in the system tray icons by the time and date at the end of your task bar. Install the correct software for your camera.

You can use your document camera as a web camera if you need one.
You will share your document camera on your screen with Screencasting.
If you have a web camera you probably have an all in one PC with it built into the top of the monitor or your laptop screen. Those cameras might have a door that covers them. If your camera launches but the feed is black check that door.
If you don’t have a web or document camera let’s discuss how we will get them.
Screencasting and Recording
Screencast-o-matic lets you record your screen and or your web camera to create lessons.
Why Screencast-o-matic and not that other tool?
Let’s launch and record with Screencast-o-matic.
We will look at how to Pause Alt-P
How to make the web camera bigger Shift+Alt+W
We plan to support recording via Google Meets and Doceri but this program is cheap if you wanted to get it for yourself.
Google Meets
How to find it in Google Classroom

That is the one you need to use. You can share that link to other Google Classrooms as an announcement link to connect with students.
In Google Meets
There is an information menu in the top right. Click the people icon to view the list of people in the meet session. From this tab you can mute or remove people if necessary. Click the chat bubble to access the chat log. People will ask questions in there and they can be easy to over look. I would recommend having a second device also in the Meet to monitor the chat with. Another idea is to assign a student helper to monitor the chat and ask you the questions when they pop up.

The bottom of the screen will have a white tool bar. You may have to mouse over it to make it appear. Clicking the microphone will mute you. Clicking the Camera will toggle your camera off and on. Clicking the red phone handset will disconnect you from the Meet.

In the Bottom right on the white tool bar are the options to turn captions on and off, the option to present or share your screen, and the settings menus are behind the three dots.

Inside the three dots menu is your Record Meeting button. Clicking that will begin to record the Google Meet Session. After you stop the recording it will be processed and automatically uploaded to your Google Drive in a folder called “Meet Recordings”.
Change Layout is the different view options you have for seeing the other people in the meeting.

Inside the Settings Menu You have the audio and video settings.
On the Audio tab you can make sure you have the correct microphone and speaker output/headset selected.
On the Video Tab you can make sure you have the correct web camera selected. You can change your broadcast resolution to HD if you are sharing your screen.
You can also set the incoming video feed resolution options.
Google Classroom
Let’s make assignments in Google Forms, Google Docs, and Google Slides. We will do this together and make sure you can complete all 3.
Posting Google Meet videos in Google Classroom. We just need to find the recording in Google Drive in your “Meet Recordings” folder. Right click the recording and select share, then copy the link. You can now paste that link into Google Classroom as an announcement.

How to share assignments among teachers in Google Classroom. Create a separate Google Classroom. Add all your colleagues as teachers. Do not add students.
All teachers can post assignments in this classroom when they are created. This will share them among your team.
In your GC with your students you simply click “Create” and “Reuse Post”. You will have access to re-post any of those assignments from your shared teacher GC.
Basic GC Training: Should we go through that or are you comfortable with it? It is the same training I have emailed out several times.