Easel by TPT
Easel is another option for creating online digital assignments. This tool is a part of the TPT system and easily integrates with any activities you have purchased from them. It allows you to digitize and assign activities in Google Classroom. Mrs. Blair at Lovelady HS had this to say about it, “Since the Easel by TPT site is integrated with Google Classroom, it helps cut down on students wondering if they turned an assignment. Its also handy when kids are absent then they can have a virtual copy of the assignment and they don’t miss a beat.”
Mrs. Webb at Godwin Elementary had this to say about it, “Some students struggle with writing neatly on fill in the blank items so by having the assignment digitally it helps those students keep their work neat and on track rather than worrying about fitting everything on the paper.”
85 Easybib
Have students use Easybib or a similar citation tool to create a works cited for any project they are working on. (FREE)
(Obsolete) 136 Education Galaxy
Now called Progress learning. Lots of Progress Learning badges are on the P menu page. Have students practice skills and knowledge through individualized learning programs in Education Galaxy.
Multiple Choice
Create and have your students complete a multiple choice activity in Edulastic
Fill in the Blank
Create and have your students complete a fill in the blank activity in Edulastic
Create and have your students complete an Edulastic activity in which students use the several highlight question types
Create and have your students complete an Edulastic activity for your students in which they use a graph to answer
Create and have your students complete an Edulastic activity with multipart questions
Data Diver
Identify a concept your students are struggling with by examining the Edulastic Data
FB Groupie
Join the official Edulastic FB group to learn how other educators use Edulastic

Eduphoria Data
Use Eduphoria to examine assessment data. Use that data to identify TEKS and concepts to reteach. Show us where you identified a TEK to reteach and how you approached it differently.

143 Epic Books
Get students engaged in reading with a vast library of eBooks and audio books at get epic.com

101 Escape Room Builder
Build a physical, live, in your face, hands on escape room to challenge your students critical thinking skills and content knowledge.
Engage your k-5 math and reading students practicing with interactive activities and games at esparklearning.com. Thanks to Mrs. Fuchs and Mrs. Hudgins for this recommendation.
117 EyeJack
Experience Augmented Reality Art with the EYEJACK app.