88 Videonot.es
Videonotes is a cool google Chrome Extension (FREE) that allows you to take notes on the same screen that you are watching a video. The notes save to your Google Drive and can easily be shared. Use this tool to share video notes with your class or have your students use it to show comprehension.
21 Virtual Field Trip
Take your students on a virtual field trip to visit a site online that you wouldn’t normally be able to visit. (FREE)
“I thought it would be a fun experience to explore NASA with the students, because they might never get the chance.” Lindsay Woodard at Godwin
148 Virtual Meeting
Hold an online meeting with a program like but not limited to Google Hangouts or ZOOM.us with your students or colleagues.
74 Visnos
Have your students visually explore math concepts with Visnos. (FREE)
328 Vocabularyworkshop
Vocabularyworkshop.com is there to help students with vocabulary concepts. Mrs. Cardwell at Mattei MS , “It provides students an interactive way to prepare for their vocabulary quizzes each week. It also allows them to practice words at home since they cannot take the books home.”