324 Desmos
Be awesome like Mrs. Webb at Godwin and Mrs. Zamora at Clark MS who have their students Students graph and manipulate equations, inequalities, and coordinates with Desmos online calculator tools. Works well with IXL.
58 Digital Assignment
Take an assignment that you have previously made and convert it to a digital assignment which students can complete and submit on a digital device. You can use google Slides, Claskk Kick, Teachermade, etc. (FREE)
100 Digital Escape Room Creator
Build a digital escape room That you made to challenge your students critical thinking skills and content knowledge. My favorite tools for this are Google Slides, Genially, or Google Sites. I think I have made on in Canva as well.
138 Discovery Education
Engage students in the vast list of resources available through Discovery Education. BTW We do not subscribe to this any longer.
Teacher Web Page
Show off your personal website that you built for your class. Here is what mine looked like, back in the day.

(Obsolete) 120 Doceri
(This software is no longer in business.) Use Doceri to teach your class free from the PC.