Let’s take a quick look at Classkick’s super short introduction video then we will dive in deeper.

You can create new interactive assignments in Classkick that include manipulatives, multiple choice, and fill in the blank activities. You could also use the multiple choice and fill in the blank question features to add on to an existing worksheet.
This looks like a great new tool to try. It also has some pretty decent features with the free basic account.
Below is my video walk through of Classkick. It includes signing up, the features, creating an assignment, and assigning it to your students. It’s a little longer but very detailed and helpful.
Additionally here are all of the short individual training videos from Classkick. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ui1uVCZPCcg&list=PLRxpSUDPIfZm8Cm1B0KUWjoKu0SUlg3cQ