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Floor Plan Square Footage Activity

TEKS 5.5(B)(2): Specifies the specific standard within the Measurement and Data section, focusing on relating area to multiplication and solving problems for finding the area of rectangles.

Have an absolute blast with your students, diving into their own utopian educational environment. This activity asks students to develop Google Sheets skills and practice finding the area of rectangles while designing their own little dream school. It also tosses in some Canva design practice.

Numbers 0-5

Here is an activity that asks students to select the correct number for each slide. This activity focuses on the pregame introduction of a basketball team which is manned by players 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. As they players are introduced students move the correct player from the sidelines to the court. This activity is in Lumio so it has interactive elements and is designed to be player on a SMART board but does not have to be. If you don’t have a SMART board try a wireless mouse.

Elkonin Digital Interactive

Here is a digital interactive set of Elkonin boxes. All of the elements are set to clone infinitely.

This is made in Lumio, which is not my favorite program but it is what we have for SMART boards. My best advice for this and all Lumio activities is to make a new copy of it each time you use it in case you forget to undo every move before closing it. Or you may have to delete the elements you pulled from the lists. Also you could duplicate and delete the slides in your copy as much as you would like.

Write your name activity: Bunny Rabbit Tea Party

Here is an activity that asks students to write their name on a name tag for the bunny rabbit tea party. Yes, I know you are already thinking it, yes you should build a bunny rabbit tea party in your class the day you do this activity. Probably have everyone make bunny ears to wear and physical sticker name tags too. Then you would be a super teacher. Students may use their finger or stylus to write their name on a virtual name tag. This activity is designed to be completed on a smart interactive display panel.

2024 Badge Comp Update 6

We are entering the final stretch of the 2024 Innovation Badge Campus Championship. Don’t forget that every badge you submitted this year is an entry to the drawing for a $200 gift card. One for an elementary teacher and one for a secondary teacher.

Godwin made a really strong push this time and nearly surpassed Clark to reach 3rd place. Unless Clark wakes up, Godwin should easily secure 3rd place in the last 6 weeks.
Mattei took no chances and definitely still has the biggest stack of badges that need to go out this week. Mayfield had some power earners this round as well pushing them closer to 400 badges.