Google Voice
Google Voice
March 17, 2020|Accommodations, Blended Learning, EdTech, ELAR, Elementary, ELL, FERPA, Google, Kinder, Math, Organization, Science, Secondary, Social Studies, SPED, Tools

If you are unable to get to your school phone and don’t want to use your personal phone number, Google Voice could be a great option for you to use when making phone calls to contact parents. You can set up a free Google Voice account with your personal Google Account. You cannot set up a Google Voice account with your school Google account, it must be a personal account. Google Voice will generate a phone number that will forward to your personal phone number. When you make calls from the Google Voice Application it will show the new Google Voice number as our caller ID. You can access Google Voice through a mobile phone application or on a computer with a headset.
Here is a link to information about getting started with Google Voice: