
UPDATE: When I tried to login in and actually use Loom it was blocked by our School Google accounts. I was blocked from accessing Loom via the PC download as well. I was only able to access Loom with my personal Gmail login, which would not get me the free premium options. ALSO it does not appear that an Education account can download videos. They can only be shared via loom link. That’s a deal breaker for me.
Need to screen record a video for a lesson or activity? You can get free premium access to Loom as a teacher. This includes a lot of really good features including videos up to 45 minutes long (but please don’t) and unlimited videos and views. I want to know if we can download MP$ files of our screen recordings and or upload them to YouTube from Loom. Let us dive in and check that out.
You can use loom to screen record a lesson for your class. It is also a good option for recording directions and expectations for a project so that students can re-watch later.
You could use Loom to create short videos that explain why an answer choice was right or wrong on a Google Form. Use conditional formatting to route students to the necessary video after each question and send the student to the video response or explanation they need.