November 1, 2019|EdTech, ELAR, ELL, Review, SPED, Tools
Fret no more dear teachers… In less than one minute you can create 10 different practice exercises for your list of spelling words.
AAASpelling is quick and easy. You simply give your list a name. Type in the words separated by a comma. Then click “Create Spelling List”.
It will generate a code (“practice list number”) for you to give your students. When your students enter the code on the website they will be presented with 10 practice activities they can go through to gain experience and familiarity with the spelling words.
(No login is required for you or students but if you do make a free login for yourself it helps you to keep track of the lists you make. Without a log in you need to write down the code.)
Below you can find some I already made for you, Grades 1-4, spelling lists for Nov 4-8. Special Thanks to Mrs. Hoar at Southard for this resource recommendation.

First Grade
Second Grade
Third Grade
Fourth Grade