Potty PD Nov 2023

Password Reset

Felicia Nichols1:22 PM (1 hour ago)
to Staff


While resetting student passwords please make sure you are typing them in correctly yourself before sending them to the Library.

Some key points to help are….

The underlined characters are NUMBERS. Example: dbh0d9

The letter L and the number 1 look very much alike, 

Also, please make sure after typing in their temporary password you are clicking “RESET PASSWORD” on your end, wait at least 5 seconds and then press login on the students computer. Sometimes if you try to login immediately after clicking reset it does not have time to communicate with each other yet.

If you get to a screen that has the option of “forget old password” CHOOSE THAT. After, it will prompt you with a “CONTINUE ANYWAY” option and you will click that. Give it a few seconds to load and it will take the student to their home screen.

Thank you!

Multiplication Basic Facts Practice Google Forms

All 56 possible 1-10 combinations with no duplicates, shuffled randomly each time.

Each edition below is also set to shuffle the questions for a different experience every time.

Chemical Reactions HS

Join the emoji crew as they hold on to answers that you need. Analyze each question then choose the Emoji with the correct answer to advance to the next question. It’s a digital version of a chemistry scavenger hunt.