“Shall We Play A Game?”

Here is a link to an article from TCEA with some ideas of games you can play live in an online meeting with your students. https://blog.tcea.org/zoom-games/?utm_source=TCEA+Emails&utm_campaign=2e13991d66-TN-MAY12&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_f3a5bb651e-2e13991d66-68439791&ct=t(TN-MAY12)

A scavenger hunt and charades are two of my favorite ideas on this blog post. A scavenger hunt would be easy to pull off. Send students to find an object in their home. Have several rounds and eliminate students each round maybe or award points.

It also got me thinking about playing Boggle. If you have a document camera or adjustable webcam you could share the Boggle letters with your students and have them write their list of words. Great spelling practice.

I have also seen mention of teachers playing chess and checkers with their students. This would involve labeling the boards columns and rows to communicate moves. That’s practicing graphing concepts as well as critical thinking.