Teacher Made
Teachermade is hands down the coolest most useful tool I have found this year. If you need a way to convert your traditional worksheets to online digital versions that can be graded automatically…. Look no further! This is the absolute best option I have seen for that.
You could have students use this tool to annotate reading activities, answer multiple choice, fill in the blank, matching, T/F, Drop down, Check Box, and more while having TeacherMade do the grading for you. You could create new activities from scratch with this tool as well. If you are used to ClassKick this is better because you can change the size of the answer boxes as well as the number of choices.
It connects to Google Classroom and it is FREE!
I played around exploring it for a couple hours today rebuilding some old assignments into digital versions. I compressed all of that down to a 12 minute video. Go ahead and pull up teachermade.com and follow along with me as we learn how it works.