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Jurassic Jaunt #Tswift 6th ELAR Q3 Review

OMG Have you heard the latest gossip about Taylor Swift!?!? Well, 6th Grade ELAR teachers here it is for your students! This is a 3rd quarter review activity to engage your students skills and imaginations on a topic they are sure to love. This mega activity includes a pdf of 26 pages with custom made fake news/satirical articles, daily journals, and short stories about Taylor Swift and her whirlwind vacation around the globe with her new adopted velociraptor babies. The activity also has a Google Form which is broken down into sections by TEKS. This activity includes a plethora of fascinating AI generated images of Tswift and her raptors in exotic locations around the globe. I even crafted a culturally accurate click batey hash tagged social media video as a hook for the lesson. All of the resources are below for you to explore and download for yourself.

6.2A – use print or digital resources to determine the meaning, syllabication, pronunciation, word origin, and part of speech
6.5E – make connections to personal experiences, ideas in other texts, and society (R)
6.6D – paraphrase and summarize text in ways that maintain meaning and logical order
6.7A – infer multiple themes within and across texts using text evidence

Click the image above to download your own copy of the Google Form that you can assign in Google Classroom.

Round Up Board Game

Here is a DIY digital file of a Texas Cattle review board game. Print it out on 11×17 paper or even better cardstock. Cut out an assemble the game pieces. Then cut out the 28 question flash cards. I recommend then running it all through a laminator to make it last a little longer.

7.6B Identify significant individuals, events, and issues, including the development of the cattle industry from its Spanish beginnings and the cowboy way of life.

Ecosystems 3.9A

Here is an Interactive Google Slides activity for reviewing concepts and vocabulary related to TEK 3.9A (observe and describe the physical characteristics of environments and how they support populations and communities within an ecosystem). There are a whopping 39 slides to this activity with a variety of tasks including: class discussion, drag and drop, Check boxes, short answer, etc. This activity was designed to be a whole group teacher lead activity. It would be extra fantastic on a SMART board. Below are a few example slides.

Elementary ELAR Reading Vocabulary Activities

Here are 3 activities that have students read about some super cool cross curricular topics then answer vocabulary questions based on what they read. These activities all cover important people from history including impactful leaders and Innovators from several different cultural backgrounds. These activities are on Google Slides and designed to be posted in Google Classroom or teacher led in front of class. Students will use text boxes, and line or shape tools to answer the questions. Oh and I through in a bonus 4th activity over inferencing and revising and editing because that is always a need as well I know.

Snowman Snackers Subtraction -7

Here is a 2nd grade math activity that has students practice their subtraction skills. In this activity which can be done on a SMART board or on individual Chromebooks, students pass out snacks to a pack of seven hungry snowmen. They then count the snacks remaining. To advance this activity you could ask your students to do the subtraction problem first, then count the snacks to check their answers.

Photo Slide Show Video

Can you make me a video of all my class photos for the year and put them to these songs? That is a question I get a lot, especially toward the end of the year. So here is your detailed walk through on how you may easily do this now with Canva.
We will look at how to use Canva to make a video slide show of our class photos. We’ll use templates with animations and transitions. Customize the graphics and text. We will look at how to add music. We will also look at how to design our own photo slide templates instead of using those already in Canva. It’s SUPER easy and you should be able to make a huge video to share with your class or school in about ten minutes. You could also embed videos on to these slides if photos are too 1998 for you. Canva will set the slide time to the length of your imbedded video. Also if you have your own song files you may use those instead of Canva’s songs through the Uploads menu.

View the example video we made

Identifying Cell Parts

Here is a Google Slides activity, intended to be assigned in Google Classroom, about cell parts. In this activity students are asked to label the parts of both an animal cell and a plant cell. Each cell type has a hard mode where students must know and type the answers. It also has an easy mode in which they can simply drag and drop labels. You may use which ever slides you wish, make a copy of the activity first and delete the slides you don’t want before assigning.

Math 4.4H Two-Step Problems

TEKS Math 4.4(H)

solve with fluency one- and two-step problems involving multiplication and division, including interpreting remainders.

Need to get your students practicing a little two step problem solving that include multiplication, division, AND even a little interpreting remainders!?!? Then come on down to Battle Bots Warehouse! Where you get more battle bots for less money and more math practice with less tears!
Multiplication: Students must determine how many battle bots were sold on a particular day then figure out the total sales based on that day’s market price.

Division: Students must determine how many robots need to be ordered to replenish stock in the warehouse. Then they must divide to calculate how many cases of each robot they need to order. There will be a remainder which must round up to the next whole case number.

Let’s make an entire battle bots lesson out of this.

Here is a Warm up activity that has students calculate the speed of Blitz Claw!

Le them be entertained by these gladiators!

Also, I have some battle bots to bring in to your class for your students to play with after completing the main activity.

Password Reset
Felicia Nichols1:22 PM (1 hour ago)
to Staff


While resetting student passwords please make sure you are typing them in correctly yourself before sending them to the Library.

Some key points to help are….

The underlined characters are NUMBERS. Example: dbh0d9

The letter L and the number 1 look very much alike, 

Also, please make sure after typing in their temporary password you are clicking “RESET PASSWORD” on your end, wait at least 5 seconds and then press login on the students computer. Sometimes if you try to login immediately after clicking reset it does not have time to communicate with each other yet.

If you get to a screen that has the option of “forget old password” CHOOSE THAT. After, it will prompt you with a “CONTINUE ANYWAY” option and you will click that. Give it a few seconds to load and it will take the student to their home screen.

Thank you!

Etsy Profit Activity

Math Teachers! Here is an amazing activity for your 4th or 5th 6th grade students. Maybe even MS students if they are a little behind and need practice with profit. This activity engages students in a relevant economic system with products that are popular.

In this activity your student will calculate the Total amount due for orders from an online Etsy store. They will calculate the cost to produce items sold in the store and the amount of profit made from each item and each order.

The activity is a Slides Presentation that is accompanied by a Google Form or a printed answer document. Alternatively you could assign the slide show in Google Classroom and have students insert text boxes to answer the questions. Lot’s of options.

After completing this activity with some teachers on a PD day I made some huge changes to produce a far more simplified version that we believe will be more achievable for your non advanced academic students (4th and 5th grade)

The Final Frontier 8th ELAR Super Review Part 1

I present to you an absolutely amazing activity for the application of your students academic abilities. This activity does not include alliteration like that but it does cover: inferencing, text evidence, author’s purpose, similes, metaphor, hyperbole, idioms, summarization, mood, tone, comprehension annotation, revising, and editing.

This activity pushes the limits of your students minds by exploring cross curricular topics from science, math, and social studies for resources to apply these ELAR skills. The topics are relevant, applicable, and fun. Topics include online safety, Alaska, the Bill of rights, water slides, flying snakes, and the rarest animals, elements, and compounds on earth.

This is a Google slides activity designed to be assigned to your students in Google Classroom providing a copy for each student. The activity includes drag and drop elements, pre-inserted text answer boxes, and annotating with the shape tool.