Customize Email Signature

Customize your Gmail Signature

Have you ever wanted to add a list of your life’s accomplishments after your name in your email signature? Do you want to add all of those abbreviations from your degrees as well? maybe you want to represent with school spirit or Holiday cheer in your email signature. Below are the steps for making that happen.

Got to settings

Then click See All Settings

Then scroll down that general tab until you reach the signature section.

There you can edit your current signature or create a new one. You can have multiple signatures and switch between them as needed. Perhaps you want to support your team or include holiday cheer in different email signatures.

After making your changes be sure to scroll down to the bottom of the settings menu and save the changes.

Help for Parents and Virtual Students

Too Many Google Classroom Emails?

Google Calendar Gone Crazy?

Clean Up Classwork Stream

Is your Google Classroom Classwork tab crowded and unorganized? That can lead to confusion for students and cause emails and phone calls from parents.
Let’s look at how to clean up those old assignments and get them out of the way.

You can learn more about creating google Classroom topics here:

Learn how I added the emojis to Topic titles here:

Topic Titles in Google Classroom

I discovered a very cool thing this week when poking around in Google Classrooms working on fixes. A couple of you wonderful teachers have little images as a part of your topic titles and I want to share that wondrous ability with everyone.

You simply visit an emoticon website like this one
Then highlight the emoji you want to use, copy it, and paste it in your Google Classroom Topic Title! No tricks or secret codes. Just a simple Copy and Paste. You can rename existing topics to add images.

BIG Thanks to Mrs. Lafond and Mrs. Brown for bringing this to my attention.

Shared with me and Starred in Google Drive

You might be noticing that your “Shared with Me” section of Google Drive has gone crazy with copies of every thing you have assigned to students in Google Classroom and every Google Classroom you are a teacher on.
Once you locate that file you needed in there through the search bar, add it to your Starred files to find it faster in the future.
Check out the screen grabs below to preview that process.

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